Worldwide the rate of divorce continues to rise.  Despite the fact that going through a divorce is viewed as the number one cause of stress.  Divorce causes stress for not only the two of you but for your children and extended families.  It is a difficult process to divide a lifetime of assets let alone the children within the family.  This is not to say that you should ever stay in a marriage that is unhealthy or unhappy.   When your marriage is over the process of divorce will feel like less of a difficulty and more of an end goal to a happily ever after.

The laws around the world have made it more feasible for divorces to occur.  This may be one of the many reasons that the divorce rate continues to rise.  If one partner feels that they would be better off after a divorce than continuing to live unhappily married the divorce process can begin.  In the U.S. there is a law that states no one person has to be at fault in order for a divorce to be granted.  A no-fault divorce is common now-a-days.  When proceeding with a divorce before no-fault divorces became the norm individuals had to prove fault.  One partner had to prove that their spouse was mentally incapacitated, cheating, lying, abusive or any other of the viable reasons that a divorce was better than the couple staying together and trying to work it out together.

Another reason the divorce rate is rising is that more and more women are seeking careers outside of the home.  In a society where specific roles are still seen it is difficult for many men and women to adjust to this new development.  A lot of men have been raised in a manner in which they see themselves as the sole provider for their families.  When a women seeks a job outside of the household both roles have to adjust.  It is impossible for women to be solely responsible for the household as well as holding down a full time career.  For some men this is not an easy adjustment and therefore leaves them feeling wounded and fragile egos aren’t easily repaired.

Both men and women have a lot of support and options once they have decided to get a divorce.  Support groups, counseling and therapy have become accepted in society.  Men and women are less fearful of the stigma that was present before.  Divorce is seen in movies, on television and is perceived differently than it had been in previous years.

With divorce rates increasing it is important to understand that it is crucial to have proper representation.  A divorce attorney specializing in family law will provide the best representation in divorce.  The outcome of your divorce will strongly be dependent upon the council you choose to represent you.  A divorce attorney that specializes in men’s rights in divorce will procure the best results for any man seeking a divorce.  If you are looking to create equal parenting arrangements, equal financial distribution and equality in the process as a whole seek a divorce attorney that represents your best interests.

Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce.  For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at