Author: doingbus - page 173

Essential Skills a Professional Planner Should Have

Being an event planner may seem like a fun, carefree job that gets to throw parties all the time, right? It can be quite the opposite; although it’s gratifying to help make people’s dreams come true, event planning can be one of the most stressful careers. Not every individual is cut out for the position..

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Common Causes for Pool Plaster Issues

A pool’s plaster interior finish is created for two reasons; to create an appealing water feature that accents your home’s beauty and to protect the integrity and structure of the pool. Pool plaster prevents water from leaking through into the concrete, which could damage the building materials inside the pool’s shell structure. Keeping your pool..

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How Expensive Is LASIK?

Choosing a procedure such as LASIK comes with many questions and concerns that should be considered carefully. It is essential to consult with a LASIK surgeon and be sure that you are a good candidate for the surgery. A lingering question in your mind, of course, will be, “How much does LASIK cost?” In 2019,..

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Event Planning Vs. Event Coordinating

The event industry is constantly changing and continues to grow in popularity as people’s lives are on overdrive. They can’t take the extra time to plan an upcoming event, or they don’t need the added stress. Often, in this line of work, there are several terms used that are misunderstood or defined loosely. Certain words..

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