Author: doingbus - page 45

Inflation Reduction Act Offers Energy-Efficient Home Improvement Credits

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President Joe Biden, is a legislative collection of documents designed to diminish climate change, reduce the federal deficit, lower costs for families, and raise taxes on large corporations.  While taxes and healthcare are important, the renewable energy sector is poised for growth through homeowners looking to..

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Harnessing the Power of Commercial Busways: The Future of Electrical Distribution

The demand for efficient and reliable power distribution systems in commercial spaces is skyrocketing in today’s fast-paced world. From bustling shopping malls to high-tech office complexes, the lifeline of these structures is a seamless supply of electricity. Here’s where commercial busways make a grand entry as the modern-day champions of electrical distribution. What exactly is..

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Finding Contractors for Subcontracts

Relationships are vital in the commercial construction industry, specifically between general and trade contractors. While general contractors subcontract work to a variety of subcontractors, trade contractors focus mainly on projects given to them by general contractors, making this dynamic for both sides mutually advantageous. The partnership between subcontractors and general contractors can be complex. General..

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Preapproved Versus Prequalified

Though prequalified and preapproved sound like similar terms, they actually mean different things in the mortgage industry, depending on the creditor and the type of loan or credit. Many creditors use the terms interchangeably, but they are, in fact, different. Despite whether the buyer is trying to get prequalified or preapproved, a creditor must do..

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Five Strategies for Boosting Product Awareness

Connecting with customers is key whether you own or operate an e-commerce or brick-and-mortar storefront. Getting your name out and announcing a new product can be challenging without a proper following. While gaining traction may be tricky, it isn’t impossible. Read on to learn some essential strategies for boosting your business and building product awareness. ..

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