Gout is generally known to affect areas of the foot, such as the big toe, but it actually affects any joint, including the wrist. This inflammatory arthritis flares up at times, then goes into remission for extended periods. Having wrist gout is rare, but it is manageable and treatable. Since wrist gout is not as..
Author: doingbus - page 60
When purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV), ensure you are well-read on the benefits and risks prior to signing the dotted line. One of the most common questions associated with EVs is their ability to tolerate cold weather. Lithium-ion batteries do not perform well in cold, frigid weather, and many EV batteries are lithium-ion equipped. However,..
Have you ever emerged from a shower in a new place – whether on vacation or at a family or friend’s house – and felt like your hair or skin were different? A jaw-dropping 85 percent of households throughout the United States have hard water, and many people are used to its effects on their..
“Why do I even need a blog for my business? People can find me through social media.” Sound familiar? Before we delve into why this statement is incorrect, let’s examine some facts. Businesses with regularly updated blogs see 55% more visitors and 67% more inbound links than those without blogs. Content creation is the most..
Cataracts can make vision appear blurry or misty, similar to peering through frosted glass. Occasionally, babies are born with cataracts or develop them at a young age. If a baby is born with a cataract, it is called a congenital cataract; if the infant develops a cataract within the first six months of life, it..