A novel study by researchers at UCL found that three minutes of exposure to deep red light once a week can vastly improve deteriorating eyesight. The study, published in Scientific Reports, outlines how using longwave deep red light in the morning activated mitochondria cells in the human retina, repairing declining vision. Previous studies focused on..
Author: doingbus - page 99
The Yale School of Public Health found that babies born to mothers who were exposed to contaminated water from the Flint River had lower birth weights, according to research published in the Journal of Population Economics. Flint officials switched the drinking water to the Flint River in April 2014 in an effort to save money…
Surgeons at Michigan’s Henry Ford Health System successfully treated a patient who suffers from a recurrent brain tumor by delivering a dose of radiation therapy directly on the tumor. This new approach could revolutionize treatment by delaying or preventing future tumor cells from regrowing. Called GammaTile Therapy, the surgically targeted radiation therapy was the first..
Wondering about mineral sanitizers for pools and spas? Read on to learn why this trend might be right up your alley. Mineral sanitizers come in several different sizes and configurations. These antibacterial blends kill living contaminants in water, such as algae and bacteria, using silver and copper ions. This concept is thousands of years old,..
According to a report by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), wintertime energy demand is set to rise due to the growing shift toward electrically-powered heating devices. Traditionally, summer months have shown a higher peak in demand because of air conditioners. But now, the report predicts that a growing number of utilities nationwide..