Category: EB Mortgage - page 7

Securing an Energy-Efficient Mortgage

There are plenty of reasons to have an energy-efficient home, one of which includes lower electrical bills. The Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) program from Fannie Mae, titled HomeStyle®, is a great way to go green, but what does it consist of, exactly? Read on to find out. Energy-Efficient Mortgages are used to finance houses that..

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Home Equity 101

The word “equity” is synonymous with home loans, but many people aren’t fully aware of what the term means. Have questions? We’ve got answers. Read on to learn everything you need to know about home equity. Home equity is an asset; a part of your property that you own, it can fluctuate based on the..

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Understanding DTI

Mortgage companies often require specific documents to analyze the borrower’s financial situation prior to approval. One of the most important aspects of getting approved for a mortgage is your credit score, which shows how well the borrower can meet their financial obligations. In addition to considering your credit score, lenders look at the borrower’s DTI..

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All About Open Houses

What’s an open house? We’re not talking about graduation parties here; instead, we are referring to homes on the market. Open houses are public, informal events hosted by real estate agents or sellers. Typically lasting between one- to three hours, the doors are quite literally “open” for people to browse the house at their leisure…

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