Category: EB Mortgage - page 9

Do Mortgage Payments Decrease Through Time?

Most people are aware that mortgage payments can increase over time, but did you know payments can actually decrease? In this article, we’ll explore a few ways how this can happen. Mortgage payments decrease on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs). While not as common as the payment increasing with ARMs, your monthly payments can decrease based on..

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Cashing In on Your Second Home

Stay-at-home mandates during 2020 caused many homeowners to realize their home wasn’t accommodating to their lifestyle. At-home offices, media rooms, children’s school areas, gyms, and large yards were suddenly in high demand. These amenities became highly desirable and led many homeowners to invest in a new home. Instead of purchasing a home near the office..

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What Does Closing Entail?

Finding the house you want and making an offer are just the first steps before purchasing a home. After the inspection and appraisal come back adequate, it’s time to submit the required documents. Finally, the last step is to get your keys during closing. An exciting yet nerve-wracking point in the process, closing is the..

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Celebrating National Homeownership Month

June is National Homeownership Month, and to celebrate, we’re listing the benefits of owning a home! For many, our homes have become workplaces, schools, and provided a safe harbor during the pandemic. American homeownership has risen to its highest point in eight years, to 65.6 percent. According to a survey by Gallup, real estate topped..

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