Category: Front Range Pest - page 3

Bats: Spring Roosting in Colorado

Image of bats roosting in an attic.

As the snow melts and the days lengthen, Colorado residents might notice more than just the return of warm weather and blooming flowers. Spring marks the beginning of the roosting season for many bat species, a natural process that can lead to close encounters with these winged inhabitants, particularly in the cozy confines of our..

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What is Exclusion Trapping?

Image of exclusion traps used to trap and release wildlife humanely.

Exclusion trapping is a humane pest control method that involves capturing animals at their entry points into buildings, rather than using baited traps placed randomly. This technique is part of a broader approach known as wildlife exclusion, aimed at permanently removing nuisance animals from structures. The strategies employed in exclusion trapping are tailored to specific..

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