Category: Kearns Brothers - page 2

Gutter Installation: Should Homeowners Hire a Professional or DIY

There are plenty of homeowners who feel like hiring a professional contractor for jobs they deem “simple” is a waste of money.  We see it time and time again, do-it-yourselfers that get in over their heads and end up in a situation that costs them more than if they would have hired a professional from..

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Repairing Your Roof In the Winter Months

Obviously, it is best to repair leaks in roofing during the spring, summer or fall however, if necessary, roof repair is possible during the winter.  Although there are limitations in roofing materials, winter roofing is ever bit as possible as it is in the spring, summer, and fall.  It is worth repairing or replacing a..

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The Roofing Experts Speak: Don’t Forget Your Roof When Preparing for Winter

Winter is in full swing here in Southeast Michigan.  The harsh weather winter throws at us during these next three months is especially hard on your homes roof.  The presence and continual thawing and refreezing of snow and ice tends to create roofing issues that can be quite costly to repair when not addressed properly. ..

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What Are the Most Common Roofing Problems for Michigan Homeowners?

Your homes roof is one of the largest and most important exterior features of your home.  It is easy to forget about because it is not an element of your home that is in your face screaming for attention.  It is important that homeowners do not neglect their roofs. Issues with your roof are easily..

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