Category: Northern Pest - page 2

Rodent Control and Prevention

In September, we began restocking rodent bait stations due to the increased pest activity from last year’s mild winter. To prevent unwelcome mice, ask us about effective methods to reduce their local population and keep them away. Warning Signs of Mice Be alert for these indicators of a mouse presence: Risks Associated with Mice Mice..

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Yellowjackets are At Their Peak in Michigan!

Close up image of a yellowjacket wasp.

Though resembling bees, yellowjackets aggressively defend their colonies, which reach peak size and aggression in late summer. During August and September, these insects become particularly hostile while guarding their nests—found underground or in trees, shrubs, wood piles, and buildings, and hosting up to 5,000 members. While yellowjackets help control pests like caterpillars and flies, they..

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Mosquito & Tick Season

Image of the forest, a breeding ground for mosquitos and ticks.

This year, mosquitoes are problematic again due to increased moisture, which provides more breeding grounds for mosquito larvae that thrive in stagnant water. To prevent mosquito-borne diseases, it’s crucial to stop larvae from developing into adults. While completely eliminating mosquitoes is impossible, our control strategy involves spraying pesticides on underbrush, foliage, grass, and low-lying trees…

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