Category: Reynolds Water - page 3

Whole House Water Filtration – Rochester, MI

Whole home water purification systems are available to tackle the different types of water quality challenges present in Michigan cities. It’s crucial to select the right technology and size the system appropriately to handle your household’s water consumption. A system installed by professionals is vital, along with consistent maintenance over time to ensure its longevity..

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Local Water Utilities Anticipate Higher Rates Due to New EPA Rule

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule that limits the amount of PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” in drinking water. PFAS are correlated to cancer, high cholesterol, birth defects, infertility, weakened childhood immunity, endocrine disruption, weight gain, and more. These man-made chemicals are found in 99.9 percent of the population’s blood. ..

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PFAS to be Regulated in U.S. Drinking Water

For the first time, the United States government will regulate PFAS (Perfluoroaklyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in the nation’s drinking water. PFAS do not break down under typical environmental conditions due to their tight chemical bond structure, which is why they are also dubbed “Forever chemicals.” It is suspected that these man-made chemicals can remain in..

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