Category: - page 2

Reviewing Contracts in the Construction Sector

As we conclude the year, it’s crucial for those in the construction industry to conduct a thorough review of their contracts, especially for long-term projects. It’s advisable to revisit your contracts to confirm they accurately represent the current state of the project. Any discrepancies should be addressed and documented immediately, rather than waiting for issues..

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Construction Industry Tops Ransomware Risk, Says Encryption Software Study

Nordlocker, an encryption software firm, conducted research in 2021 and found that the construction industry faced the highest risk of ransomware attacks among 35 analyzed industries. This risk has increased since then, with Nordlocker reporting in 2023 that the construction sector experienced the most ransomware attacks from January 2022 to January 2023. The construction industry’s..

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Construction Bonds for Contractors

Most construction projects require contractors to provide bonds, which protect the owner against non-payment, lack of performance, shuttered business, or warranty issues. Also known as contract bonds, construction bonds guarantee the bondholder will fulfill the contract terms. Contractors generally purchase construction bonds to protect project owners from monetary loss. If an issue arises, the owner..

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