Category: - page 26

All About Gunite Swimming Pools

Swimming pools that are built into the ground are often made from a mixture that includes cement. A gunite swimming pool is created by mixing cement, sand and water together then spraying the combination onto the surface using pneumatic pressure. It is held onto the surface by a frame created out of rebar. Together the..

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Refinishing Gunite Swimming Pools

When a concrete swimming pool is put into the ground the cement needs to be covered to protect the pool surface. Gunite pools, commonly referred to as cement or concrete pools are covered with marcite, a plaster composed of white cement and crushed marble. The plaster is an important piece of the gunite pool puzzle..

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Exploring The Advantages and Disadvantage Of Familiar Pool Types

When it comes to owning a pool, maintenance is key to the pool’s longevity.  One are that will require maintenance with your pool is the surface.  There are four main types of inground pool surfaces.  Before you install an inground pool it is best to know the advantages and disadvantages of the materials available.   Making..

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Basics for New Pool Owners

There is so much that you will need to learn as a new pool owner.  Whether you purchase a home with an inground pool installed or are having a pool installed you will need a crash course on pools.  In this article we will cover a wide range of topics from opening the pool, maintenance..

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