Medical facilities are in a constant state of growth. Centers that continue with the status quo path become stagnant. It is imperative, for services to continue, that facilities keep up with the changing treatment options technology offers patients. Refusing to keep pace with changing technology will inevitably cause your medical center to crumble. In order..
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It takes a great deal of forethought when purchasing any large piece of medical equipment, especially a linear accelerator. The process of buying medical equipment should be left to an experienced team of experts. It takes a great deal of planning and commitment to quality in order to ensure the equipment purchased meets your facilities..
There will come a time and day when all medical equipment within your facility will need to be maintained or repaired. Do you know who you will call? There are a wide range of companies available to service medical equipment. It is important to find a reputable company to work with that offers a wide..
There are many critical tools that are needed for doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals in order to make proper diagnosis. Healthcare professionals are better prepared for medical emergencies when supported by medical devices that are functioning as they should be. From performing in the operating room to executing properly in the emergency room if medical..
In this installment on maintenance and care of medical equipment we will consider aspects in medical equipment care and maintenance including: contracting medical technicians, in house maintenance and basic and extended warranties. It is crucial that facilities protect their investments especially when it comes to expensive medical equipment that is not easily replaced. Medical facilities..