Michigan Mackinac

What is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal program that helps individuals covers their medical cost. You can look at more information right on the governments website at Medicare.gov.  The program is dedicated to bringing health insurance primarily senior citizens and those individuals that meet certain Medicare requirements. There are a few Medicare programs available and each offers something different.  Medicare Part A and Part B are referred to as Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans.

What are Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?

Supplemental plans are additional health insurance policies that you may purchase from private insurance companies that are authorized to sell them. These plans are designed to help cover the costs not covered under Original Medicare such as deductibles, healthcare outside the U.S.A, and co-payments. Supplemental plans do not cover long term care, or vision, dental, hearing aids, or private nursing. Only Medicare Plan D covers prescription drugs.

Who is Eligible for Medicare Supplemental Insurance?

This is only available for individuals who have already subscribed to Medicare Part A, which covers hospital services, and Part B, which covers doctors cost. Individuals with Medicare Advantage plan are not allowed to take on any Medigap plan.


There is a range of Plans that Medicare participants in Michigan can choose from including:


Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan A

Plan A is the most basic plan. It helps pay your coinsurance for Original Medicare and allows you to see any doctor that accepts Medicare insurance.


  • Basic Benefits
  • Pays Part A Hospital Deductibles
  • Pays Part B Medical Deductibles
  • Allows you to see any doctor that accepts Medicare


Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan C

Plan C covers more out of pocket expenses than Plan A but not as much as Plan F.  With this plan you will need to pay for Medicare Part B’s excess charges. You have the option to enroll in Plan C if you will are no longer be insured because you have qualified for Medicare.


  • Most Benefits
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Emergency Care when Traveling Outside of the US
  • Covers Part A Hospital Deductibles at 100%
  • Covers Part B Medical Deductibles at 100%
  • Allows you to see any doctor that accepts Medicare


Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan F

Plan F is a complete plan. It pays for most of the out of pocket costs you might face with Original Medicare. In addition, it includes the more benefits than any other supplemental plan.


  • The most Benefits
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Emergency Care when Traveling Outside of the US
  • Covers Part A Hospital Deductibles at 100%
  • Covers Part B Medical Deductibles at 100%
  • Allows you to see any doctor that accepts Medicare


Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan N

This helps you cover more out of your pocket costs than Plan A but it does not cover as much as Plan F.  With this plan you will have to pay a co-pay whenever you visit a doctor.   The cost can be up to $20 for each visit.


  • Enhanced Benefits
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Emergency Care when Traveling Outside of the US
  • Covers Part A Hospital Deductibles at 100%
  • Plan B medical deductible, you pay $183
  • Allows you to see any doctor that accepts Medicare


Learn more about Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance plans, rates and more at www.emedicare-supplemental-insurance.com.  Our Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance brokers will help you compare Medicare Supplemental Insurance rates and plans in Michigan.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medicare coverage toll free 1-877-202-9248 today!