When it comes to pest control services hire a professional! By the time you try to eliminate the pests on your own with expensive chemicals and fail you could have had the professionals do it.  It just makes sense to start there in the first place.  Pest infestations of all types are nearly impossible for the untrained professional to completely eliminate let alone prevent from coming back.  From termite infestations to bed bugs, pests are ridiculously hard to eliminate from your home.

There are several benefits to hiring a professional exterminator.  The first is the expense.  It may seem that the initial outlay for a professional is a lot in comparison to running to the store and purchasing some over the counter product. This may be true to begin with but in the end when you have to continue running to the store as you discover the pest problem is not eliminated those chemicals as well as time spent will add up to more than the initial fee, treatment and prevention that comes with hiring an exterminator.

Hiring a professional is often more convenient than running out buying supplies and the labor intensive process of eliminating them.  A professional will work to meet your demands in pest removal, elimination and prevention.  Most exterminators work twenty four seven and will work to schedule appointments when convenient to homeowners.   Although a pest infestation is never convenient a professional exterminator can make the situation a lot easier for the homeowner to handle.

Another major difference is the experience level between a professional and a do it yourself homeowner.  Their experience allows them to come into a situation, identify the issues and treat the problem.  They also have the knowledge and understanding of what needs to be done next to prevent the pest issue from reoccurring.  An exterminator offers much more experience and expertise than the label on a can of insect spray.

Chemicals come with risks, especially pest killers.  If you apply chemicals without being knowledgeable about their risks you put yourself, family and pets at risk.  Hiring an exterminator eliminates the risks involved with pest control.  Pest control specialists use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which safeguards human and environmental health by using the least toxic methods first.

The effectiveness of do it yourself products is often less than desirable.  Household pests often become “immune” to store bought chemicals.  When you hire a professional pest removal company you hire an exterminator who has up to date information on changes to chemicals that are effective for your specific type of pest infestations.

Another major difference is the warranties and guarantees that come along with extermination services over store bought products.  Check with different exterminators before hiring one to eliminate, control and prevent pest problems within your home.  Make sure that you are hiring a company that offers a warranty for which they will come back to your home, at no charge, to retreat an infestation if a re-occurrence happens.  A good extermination company will stand by their products and services.