Information Covering Medigap In Michigan

Most people realize that they are eligible to enroll in Medicare when they turn 65.  When enrolling for Medicare, many people choose to purchase a Michigan Medigap insurance plan to cover the additional expenses that exceed Medicare’s basic benefits.  There are ten different Medigap policies that are available to participants in Michigan.  While the cost of Medigap policies is important there are a number of other factors to consider when purchasing a Medigap policy in Michigan.

Medigap in Michigan

Michigan Medicare Basics 101

Medicare is a traditional fee for service insurance plan that is offered to all US residents once they turn 65 years of age.  Medicare consists of two parts: Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.  Medicare Part A is considered hospital coverage and inpatient care.  Medicare Part B covers other routine medical care such as office visits to the doctor, physical and occupational therapy.  Medicare Part B is subject to a monthly premium paid out of pocket by the Medicare participant.

Many Medicare beneficiaries opt to buy a Medigap policy to cover copayments and other costs that exceed their original Medicare benefits.  Medicare Part C, otherwise known as the Medicare Advantage Plan, is not Medigap.  It is a plan that is offered by insurers and includes traditional fee for service coverage through PPOs and HMOs.  These plans may also include prescription drug coverage often referred to as Medigap Part D coverage.

Michigan Medigap Plans

All MI Medigap insurance plans are identified by letters and contain the minimum benefits that are set aside by the federal government.  For example Medigap Plan G has the exact same benefits whether you buy it from insurance company A or B, the only difference may be the cost.  The same is true state to state.  Michigan Medigap Plan G is the exact same coverage that Texas Medigap Plan G participants will be offered.

Unlike employer sponsored coverage which most of us are familiar with, Michigan Medicare and Medigap policies only offer coverage for one individual. Spouses must obtain their own coverage under a separate policy.  You and your spouse are not required to purchase the same type of policy.

Many plans offer in network and out of network benefits.  Benefits, coverage, will be higher when you choose to use services provided by in network providers.  If you are purchasing a plan, no matter the carrier, it is important to verify that your physician and preferred hospital are part of the network.

If you are looking to avoid limitations that accompany pre-existing conditions than it is critical you enroll in a plan during your open enrollment period.  Participants’ can enroll in Michigan Medigap plans anytime during the year but if enrolled outside of the open enrollment period you are not guaranteed coverage as you are during open enrollment.  Michigan Medigap insurance companies cannot deny you coverage for any reason, during the period, as long as you meet the requirements.

Basic Medigap Coverage Can Include:

  • Medicare approved inpatient expenses up to an additional 365 days after the maximum benefit under Medicare expenses have been paid
  • You are covered for your approved expenses under Medicare Part B depending on the coverage outlined in your Medigap policy. Some Medigap policies will cover your Medicare Part B deductibles so that you have minimal out of pocket expenses.
  • If you are in need of a blood transfusion the first three pints each year are covered.
  • Outpatient prescriptions and inpatient respite care coinsurance under Medicare hospice payments

Some plans offer more generous benefits than others.  The more benefits the policy has the higher the cost to participants.

These extra benefits can include:
  • Emergency health care when traveling outside the United States
  • Coverage for skilled nursing care after Medicare benefits cease
  • Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B deductibles at a full or partial level
  • Prescription drug coverage, Medigap Part D can be incorporated. Be sure you thoroughly review the benefits prior to adding this provision to your Medigap policy.

Learn more about Medigap plans & rates in Michigan at  The Michigan Medigap Insurance brokers at e Medigap Plans will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans in Michigan today.  To talk to an expert in Michigan Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949 today!