A new study published by the United States Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory entitled, “Halfway to Zero,” showed that the power sector has unexpectedly reduced emissions throughout the past 15 years. Projections made in the United States Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) 2005 Annual Energy Outlook estimated that power industry emissions would increase by..
Before you start shopping for a home, it’s essential to get pre-approved by a mortgage lender to get a concrete idea of the loan amount, interest rates, and available loan programs. A pre-approval is different from a pre-qualification. The pre-approval process involves gathering information (income and asset documents along with a credit report) to confirm..
Yahoo published a press release explaining that their “Answers” service is permanently shut down. “Once a key part of Yahoo’s products and services, it has declined in popularity over the years as the needs of our members have changed,” said the release. The site is no longer accessible as of May 4, 2021, but those..
Cancer patients could soon be donning a personalized protection shield giving them an extra level of armor against radioactive toxicity while undergoing radiation therapy. More than 200,000 patients in the United States report injuries to healthy tissue from radiation exposure annually. A large portion of the damage occurs in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract leading..
With spring and summer quickly approaching, the campfire-cooking season is almost upon us. Before you get your marshmallows and chocolate bars out, try cooking a chunk of bread or potatoes first. Here are some great food items you can easily cook over a campfire: Bread, kebobs, hotdogs, corn-on-the-cob, muffins, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, bacon, and more…