The age-old question of “Lock or Float?” is typical in the mortgage industry. Mortgage brokers get asked this question frequently by first-time home buyers. The answer to this question will determine the mortgage rate borrowers ultimately receive. Interest rates dictate monthly payments for up to 30 years (without refinancing), so this option should not be..
Password managers are an essential tool in 2021. Most websites require a username and password to log in or use their services. The human brain cannot possibly keep up with dozens of different combinations. To sidestep this issue, some people use basic passwords like “123456789” or “thisismypassword” or even integrate pet, family member names, or..
Several peer-reviewed literature and radiology societies have been sounding alarms that COVID-19 vaccines can cause temporary inflammation and swelling of lymph nodes in some patients. While this is normal, according to experts, it can be a massive cause of concern for radiologists who assume it’s a sign of infection or cancer. When lymph nodes are..
With such a wide range of prepper food available nowadays, your first order should be customizable to you and your family. To begin your prepper food journey, stock up on food that is versatile, nutritious, delicious, and not too foreign to your family. ProduceWhat are your go-to fruits and veggies that you buy most at..
After a long winter cooped up indoors, you’re probably ready to trade hibernating for some sunshine and traveling. Whatever you choose, chances are you’re going to hit the road. Before revving up your engine, make sure you get to your destination safely and efficiently with our tips for spring car maintenance. Winter can be harsh..