Theoretically, it is impossible for humans to control a super-intelligent Artificial Intelligence (AI) machine. It is also nearly impossible to detect when such an AI is created. In 2015, Google developed AI software that was able to play – and regularly win – classic arcade games. Their findings were detailed in the journal Nature. In..
More effective therapies could potentially be introduced thanks to a new magnetic resonance spectroscopy technique that can accurately measure how well the mitochondria are functioning in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS.) This non-invasive procedure may help measure the efficacy of treatments for ALS (also known as Motor Neuron Disease [MND]) patients. Scientists from Sheffield..
Survival movies can be gripping, heart-racing, suspenseful, and somewhat unrealistic. Nevertheless, Hollywood does offer a small window into survivalism and prepping. If even just for the fun of it, check out these movies and who knows, maybe you will get some tips or ideas for your own prepping needs. 127 HoursBased on a true story,..
Lasik (an acronym for laser in situ keratomileusis) surgery is a common household name regarding vision improvement. Approved by the Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA) roughly 20 years ago, it is not for everyone, nor does it fix every vision problem. More than 19 million Lasik procedures have been performed in the United States, and..
Regulations on water usage have been implemented for decades due to droughts and energy efficiency (using fewer fossil fuels) in an effort to lower overall consumer costs. Higher usage drives prices up, which in turn causes non-renewable resources to diminish through time. Since 1992, federal law has stipulated the amount of water pouring out of..