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Brain Scans Can Predict Music-Induced Emotions

In Finland at the University of Turku, researchers in the national PET Centre recently discovered neural mechanisms that arise as an emotional response to music. Subjects who participated in the study (102) listened to emotion-evoking music while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To map which brain regions are activated based on different music-inducing emotions,..

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RIP Adobe Flash Player

At an ancient technological age of 24 years old, Adobe Flash Player will no longer run after January 12, 2021. The latest Flash Player update specified new content would not be released. “Today marks the final scheduled release of Flash Player for all regions outside of Mainland China. Adobe will no longer support Flash Player..

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UV-C Light Sanitizes COVID-19

Broader interest in disinfectant applications has been sparked by the COVID-19 global pandemic. One sanitation method, germicidal ultraviolet light (GUV), is effective for disinfecting areas, including killing viruses and bacteria. However, a major drawback of this technique is that it is harmful to human health. Thus, GUV use is limited in occupied spaces. Researchers at..

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How to Find Your House Plans

Older houses usually do not come ready with detailed blueprints like younger, newer homes generally do. Modern builds regularly have the plans that are foundationally important for home renovations or improvements readily available. Predating the early 1900s, builders seldomly drew up detailed specifications, which can be found in contemporary blueprints. Methods passed down by word-of-mouth..

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