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The Most Beneficial Foods for Eye Health

Drinking plenty of water, eating nutrient-rich foods, and exercising can improve our lives and increase health benefits. Eye health is also supported through these same activities. Regularly consuming specific vitamins and nutrients can prevent or delay sight-threatening eye conditions and diseases which include macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Fish: omega-3 fatty acids are present in..

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Technologists Celebrated during National Radiologic Week

Radiologic technicians have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic more than most people. These technicians have taken a front-seat approach and made a direct impact on the virus outbreak. They work extremely close with coronavirus patients daily, unlike many people throughout the world. National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW) marks the centennial celebration..

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CUNA Mutual Invests in Medicare Agency

Coverage Insurance Solutions announced they will be working with CUNA Mutual Group and examine opportunities to offer Medicare insurance options to credit union members. Founder and CEO of Coverance, Chris Mullins, said the company uses senior-focused marketing, data analytics, and automation designed to improve how seniors purchase Medicare insurance. The COVID-19 pandemic showcases the importance..

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