Our hands and wrists are often an afterthought when it comes to self-care. Many people are not proactive in protecting their extremities from damage despite the fact that they are vital to a number of daily activities. Fine motor functions wouldn’t be possible without our hand-eye coordination; thus, pain in the area can easily affect..
Bathroom lighting is critical yet often overlooked or underperformed. We frequent bathrooms before going to bed and after waking up in the morning, and there should be ambient lighting for bedtime, however, be bright and welcoming at daybreak. Light, particularly daylight, sets our circadian rhythms, which play an essential role in our overall health and..
The American Council on Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) published a report that outlined how carbon emissions could dramatically reduce if space heating were converted to electricity. In order to meet long-term goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel burning to heat homes and buildings needs to be moderated or eliminated. High-efficiency electric heat pumps (generated..
Eye fatigue from staring at computer screens, tablets, and smartphones is a real thing. Blue light emitting from these screens can cause dry eyes, headaches, and eye strain. If you work in front of a computer screen or your eyes come in contact with blue-light emission for more than a few hours a day, it..
Few people and professions have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic as much as radiology technicians. They have directly impacted patients and taken a front-seat approach to the outbreak, as they work closely with coronavirus patients daily. National Radiologic Technology Week (NRTW) marks the centennial celebration for the American Society of Radiologic..