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The Basics of Commercial Property Lending

Image of a small downtown commercial property.

Commercial property lending is an intricate part of the real estate industry, providing essential financial support for acquiring, developing, and refinancing commercial properties. This guide aims to demystify the complex world of commercial property lending, offering insight into the types of properties involved, the lending process, and the key players in the industry. What is..

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Electrical Tap Boxes

Image of an electrical tap box, also known as a splitter box.

An electrical tap box is a crucial device used in both portable and permanent power distribution setups. Often referred to as splitter boxes or pull boxes, these units are specialized junction boxes that feature a backplate equipped with copper busbars for each electrical phase and mechanical lugs. These lugs are designed to connect with large..

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What is Exclusion Trapping?

Image of exclusion traps used to trap and release wildlife humanely.

Exclusion trapping is a humane pest control method that involves capturing animals at their entry points into buildings, rather than using baited traps placed randomly. This technique is part of a broader approach known as wildlife exclusion, aimed at permanently removing nuisance animals from structures. The strategies employed in exclusion trapping are tailored to specific..

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