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Choosing a Medigap Plan In Michigan

The only two new Medicare Supplemental Plans to be added to the list of Medigap Insurance Plans this year boasted lower premiums than some plans that were already on the market.  Medigap Plans M and N keep premiums low by requiring you to pay a portion of Medicare’s charges. Plans M and Plans N Medicare..

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Finding the Right Medicare Supplemental Insurance Coverage In Texas

In Texas finding the best Medicare Supplemental Insurance for your health care and budget needs can take some time and patience.  There was a time not too many years ago when Medicare Supplemental Policies were the only choice for recipients of Medicare.  Choosing a good Medicare Supplement would give policy holders the widest coverage nationwide. ..

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Supplying Medicare Supplemental Insurance to Michigan Enrollees

 Michigan Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans cover coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses that Medicare doesn’t pay for.  Benefits for skilled nursing care, emergency foreign travel, and blood work are a few of the plan features.  Supplements are standardized.  They offer a comprehensive overview of all supplemental plans and benefits offered in the state of Michigan…

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Shopping For Medicare Plans in Arizona

Many Arizona seniors approaching their sixty fifth birthdays that are enrolling in Medicare are searching for the best Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans.  In today’s crowded Arizona Medicare market, enrollees have many choices when it comes to supplemental plans and insurance companies to purchase coverage from.  The correct choice is different for each person depending on..

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The ABC’s of Cataracts

When Shakespeare’s King Lear calls on “cataracts” to spout during his “blow winds, and crack your cheeks!” speech, he’s not asking for cloudy vision.  In Shakespeare’s day, a “cataract” also means a huge waterfall.  This is fitting because the clouds of white foam arising from a waterfall are metaphorically like the cloudy vision caused by..

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