There is not a company in business that isn’t concerned about cutting costs especially when it comes to logistics. All companies want to save money on less-than-truckload shipping however at what point is saving money on shipping costing you money on service and disruptions to other elements in the supply chain. Money is only saved..
There is an increase in the number of seniors choosing to stay in their homes rather than moving into assisted living facilities. With the rise of our older generation staying within their homes it is important that we as caregivers know how to provide an environment free of obstacles that may hinder the homes accessibility…
When your marriage ends one life ends and a new one begins. The problem is that not everyone is ready for this to happen. Sometimes one partner in the marriage was not willing to accept that the marriage was ending and therefore the process of moving on and letting go of the past is more..
In our last installment on marriage and divorce we talked a lot about learning to accept that your marriage has ended and that a new life awaits you. We discussed taking steps that create a life worth living and one that is focused on making yourself happy. Finally feeling worthy of feeling good is something that may..
For most women and men the divorce process is an unpleasant one. Unfortunately divorce tends to play out in a very dreadful manner that leaves both parties at a loss and filled with heartache and sorrow. It also leaves both parties filled with wonderful opportunities that take time to fully discover. For most people who end up..