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All About Rust in Water

What is rust? Is drinking rusty water dangerous? What does rust in your water mean? How do you treat rust in water? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and much more.  The most telltale sign of rust in your water supply is when appliances such as dishwashers become dirty more quickly, laundry..

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Clarifying the Worldwide Computer Chip Shortage

Game consoles, graphics cards, processors, and so much more have been hard to come by lately. The consumer technology industry has suffered a shortage of computer chips, which has impacted the entire global supply. The chip drought has resulted in issues through hundreds of markets such as automotive, cryptocurrency, smartphone, vehicle, television, and a multitude..

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The How and Why of Electrical DIY

Homeowners across the country are accomplishing DIY projects to either save money or learn how to do something new. When it comes to electrical work, is it better to DIY or hire professionals? If there are any doubts, absolutely contact a licensed electrician. If you’re fairly confident in your learning or electrical abilities, keep the..

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Improving Eye Health with Nutrients

Healthy, strong eyesight is vital to our everyday lives, though many of us take extra precautions against eye damage. To help improve eye function, shield against harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays, and minimize the chances of developing degenerative diseases, check out the following nutrients.  Vitamin AOne of the most common causes of blindness throughout the globe..

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