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Michigan’s Underground Storage Tanks are Raising Concern

Legacy tanks typically store fuel and other hazardous chemicals underground. These tanks generally receive a little-to-no maintenance and were buried before strict regulations were established. Experts are concerned about the chemicals leaching into municipal drinking water.  A recent fuel leak in Flat Rock was suspected to be caused by a pair of underground steel tanks…

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Nearsightedness Q&A

Nearsightedness (also called myopia) is common in people of all ages. It is typically defined as an inability to see far away or long distances. Millions of people worldwide suffer from myopia, a relatively prevalent condition. Read on to explore popular questions – and answers – about nearsightedness. Q: What is nearsightedness?A: Technically speaking, myopia..

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April 2022 Newsletter

Rodent Bait Stations A mice infestation is a common household problem that brings several health risks and hazards to a home or business. Once you spot a rodent scurrying around, there are likely dozens more nesting on the property. The most effective way to get rid of these pests is by using bait stations. Unlike..

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