With Valentine’s Day fast approaching the countdown has begun to find and purchase the perfect gift. Purchasing the wrong type of present could bring inappropriate stress to a holiday filled with love and smaller expectations. Buying something overly grand could be considered too much, doing nothing at all is considered too little; so here are some tips to make it just right. A perfect valentine’s day will be in your future if you stick to the gift list below.

First things first chocolate is always a great gift for Valentine’s Day. This is the time to think outside the box. Don’t stick to simple boxes of heart shaped candy consider her and go for that type of chocolate or candy treat. If she loves gummy bears purchase them and glorify the presentation. The same is true with chocolate. If she loves chocolate find a way to mix and match her favorites. Buy small pieces from all of her favorite places. One of the bets gifts I have seem was a bouquet of truffles, chocolate strawberries, cake pops and more in a basket situated like a bouquet. It was lovely and was filled with all of her favorite sweet treats.

Another terrific gift for a say filled with love is flowers. A bouquet of cut flowers is nice however, finding a way to give her favorite flowers to her year round is even better. Think outside the box. Find a way to send her flowers the fourteenth of every month or create seedlings to be planted when the threat of frost has passed. Flowers look beautiful, smell wonderful are a subtle gift.

Jewelry is another wonderful choice when it comes to Valentine’s Day however; don’t overdo it. Pieces of jewelry that are simple and nice to receive as a token of love are a set of earrings shaped in the word love, a heart shaped diamond pendant or even a simple pair of diamond solitaire earrings. Think of a piece of jewelry that she will be delighted to wear every day. A Valentine’s Day gift should be a piece that is perfect for everyday, simple and classic without being overly expensive.

If you are looking for way to let her know you hope to increase communication consider an iPhone. Program it with songs you know she likes, apps that will allow her to know you have thought about her and an alarm set for a daily quick face time message to remind her that you think about her daily. Women like to know they are being thought of as well as listened to. What better way than stopping what you are doing everyday for a minute or two and showing her?

Valentine’s gifts should be all about the recipient. Lingerie has been something that has been given at this time of year for as long as the day has been around. Instead of buying something that is for her but technically for you consider something really about enhancing her comfort or making her feel special. A silk robe, comfy pair of pajamas says a whole lot more than a black and red lacy number.

Purchasing gifts is often more difficult than it needs to be. When buying something for someone you love really think about them and what brings them happiness. Often time’s simple, thoughtful gifts are better received than those that have cost you a month’s salary.