Tag: Breakers

How to use Bus Ducts & Plugs in an Industrial Setting

During the construction of commercial buildings or factories, there are many things to consider.  The most important one is wiring and distribution of electricity. The contractors have to assure that electricity is equally distributed in the area so that every machine and room will get equal voltage for the best performance. There are two ways..

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How Circuit Breakers Can Save Your Home In A Flood

Would you know what to do or where to begin if you found that your home was in danger of flooding?  Many homeowners don’t think about flooding or believe that the probability that a flood will affect them is slim.  The truth of the matter is that floods have become one of the most common..

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The Purpose of Circuit Breakers

Many people know that their homes have a circuit breaker but aren’t familiar with what they do or why they are important.  All of the electrical power that is supplied to your home is controlled by your homes circuit breaker.  They are used to control the flow of electricity throughout your home.  This one unit..

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Guide to Buying An Electrical Circuit Breaker

A large safety concern in both residential and commercial buildings is overloading or causing a short circuit within the electrical circuit.  The component that is used to prevent this from occurring is an electrical circuit breaker.  A circuit breaker is used to protect the circuits within your home or business.  If a fault is detected..

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