Tag: child custody - page 3

Avoiding Conflict During Your Divorce

The entire process of divorce is unpredictable. For many, divorce can feel like death. This is especially true for women who tend to process loss in a completely different manner then men. Women are filled with grief and a feeling of guilt. They feel as if they should have seen this coming and should have..

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Tips On Surviving The Holiday During Divorce

Going through the divorce process is bad enough, let alone having the process takes place during the holiday season.  Dividing time with your children is never going to be easy.  It becomes especially difficult to be rational when consumed with the emotions of the season.  The one thing both parents need to do is realize..

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Easing Holiday Stress For Newly Divorced Moms

The holiday season is one that brings enough stress with it all on its own without worrying about how you will handle certain events with your divorce being finalized.  Approaching the holidays after divorce, especially when you have children, doesn’t have to be filled with anxiety.  With a bit of preparation and the right mind..

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Emotions Throughout The Divorce Process

There are so many emotions that are experienced throughout the divorce process.  It is hard to go through the process without feeling a little bit of everything.  The hope is that it won’t all hit at one time and that having a better understanding of what you will be experiencing it won’t be as difficult..

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Dating Tips For Divorced Moms

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for both men and women when going through a divorce.  It becomes a reality that life with go on even without the person you have loved for so long in your life.  Navigating through divorce and on to life after divorce is something that comes..

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