Tag: child custody - page 5

Handling Your Divorce In Your Own Way

In our first installment regarding tips for your divorce we talked about the importance of looking out for yourself and not taking advice from other divorcees as it may not fit your divorce. We discussed looking as your divorce as its own separate entity as it is unique to you, your marriage and your situation…

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Feeling Your Way Through The Process Of Divorce

For women going through the divorce process regular everyday life can become hard to figure out.  Most women get married early in life before they have had time to truly find their own identity.  This makes it extremely hard when the only thing that has identified you for years, your husband and children are suddenly not the..

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Find Expert Representation In Your Divorce and Child Custody Agreement

When it comes to getting a divorce there is nothing easy about it.  Every detail of the process can seem overwhelming but when it comes to hiring a divorce attorney it doesn’t have to be.  This is the person that you will turn to and rely on as your progress through the divorce process. Your..

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