Tag: commercial pool plaster

Procrastinating On Closing Your Pool For The Winter

By now, most of us Northerners have shut down our pools in preparation for the winter season.  Let’s face it, unless you are a polar bear and enjoy frigid cold-water temps you aren’t going to be swimming after November. However, there may still be a few of you out there that have delayed the inevitable and..

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The Perfect Backyard Enhancement: A Gunite Swimming Pool

Gunite swimming pools are one of the most popular options for homeowners.  Building a Gunite pool requires a crew to dig a hole in the desired shape, the installation of plumbing, and a rebar grid that is the framework of the structure.  The steel rebar frame is secured in place using wire.  Once this has..

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Available Options in Pool Plaster

If you are one of the people that has managed to install a swimming pool in your backyard, you are living the dream of thousands upon thousands of people everywhere.  After all, who doesn’t love jumping into the water of a pool on a hot and sunny day? While your pool may currently be in..

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Is Your Pool ‘s Plaster Ready for Summer Fun?

Owning a home with an inground pool presents a unique challenge in itself in that you are responsible for all of its upkeep. It is far different from any other type of backyard pool that you might have had in the past. Unlike an above ground pool which has a plastic liner that actually holds..

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Pool Renovation Ideas That Impress

Having an inground pool in your backyard is an exciting upgrade that many homeowners choose.  Overtime however, the area surrounding the swimming pool can begin to feel drab, the aesthetics wear out and the initial installation and style of the pool becomes outdated.  Another issue that often occurs is that the amenities you want have..

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