Tag: elder law of Michigan - page 3

Simple Steps To Encourage Estate Planning

Today is a great day to stop procrastinating and to start thinking in terms of future plans for your estate.  Tomorrow is not a guarantee thus making an estate planning necessary sooner than later.   Without a plan in place your estate is left to be decided in probate.  In this article we will give you..

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When Your Personnel Situation Changes Make Sure To Update Your Estate Plan

Everyone knows that it is important to have a solid estate plan in place. What many people forget it that this process doesn’t end just because an attorney designs an estate plan for you. That is just the beginning.  An estate plan must be updated regularly to reflect your current lifestyle.  Anytime there is a..

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The Importance Of Estate Planning

Everyone knows estate planning is important.  Not only are their advantages you will benefit from personally but making necessary plans for your estate eliminates the guess work for your family.  Take the time and effort now to remove the burden from loved ones during the period they will be grieving the loss of a loved..

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Planning For Your Future Through Estate Planning Installment 2

In the last installment we established that there were three main documents needed to delegate control as the end of life became inevitable: a durable power of attorney, a release of information and advance directives.  Each document serves a purpose in establishing care while you are still living if and when you become unable to..

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Planning For Your Future Through Estate Planning Installment 1

There are so many excuses that people can come up with to avoid planning for their future.  None of us ever feel that we are going to die anytime soon so we put off planning for it. We pretend we are too busy to avoid thinking about a future that doesn’t include us in it. ..

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