Tag: Estate Planning - page 7

Top Reasons To Have An Estate Plan In Place

There are many reasons to make time to meet with an estate planning attorney to create an estate plan.  In this installment on estate planning we will look at the top reasons estate planning is necessary for even those with small estates. The most common reason most individuals seek out an estate planning attorney to..

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Mistakes To Avoid With Medicaid and Nursing Homes

When it comes to understanding the federal laws surrounding Medicaid there are many provisions that are made to protect the applicant’s spouse.  Many are unknown and therefore couples fail to take advantage of them.  Without knowing these provisions couples can lose upwards of thousands of dollars unnecessarily putting themselves into poverty in order to pay..

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Tough Questions To Be Prepared For In Estate Planning

Just the words “estate planning” can be painful for some people to hear let alone participate in.  There are few people in the world ready to address their mental demise or mortality.  Facing these truths is difficult.  Even though it is difficult, it is important to address the issue with an estate planning attorney sooner..

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Everything You Need To Know About Probate

The term probate can be used in a few different ways.  One way to think of probate is as the act of presenting a will to court officers for filing; often this is stated as to probate a will.  The other popular way to think of probate is as the method that an estate is..

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The Basics In Estate Planning

No matter who you are it is probable that you have an estate.  Even if you don’t think you do, you most likely do.  An estate is made up of all of the things you own on your own including: your car, home, checking & saving accounts, investments, life insurance, furniture and personal possession.  No..

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