Tag: Forensics

Researches Involving Human Serum

Human serum is the name given to the human blood which does not contain fibrinogens and other blood clotting agents. The serum is produced by carefully removing the substances mentioned so that the final product which contains red blood cells, lymphocytes, and macrophages is used for research purposes. These researches mainly aim to produce human..

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The Significance of Platelets in Human Plasma

Have you been to a blood drive lately where you were asked to donate your blood plasma? The human plasma plays a crucial yet sometimes unrecognized job of carrying white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets throughout the body as the fluid in which they travel. These blood components are indeed essential to body..

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Human Serum Difference in Biological Research

Innovations are happening all around us and the progressive track of technology has enabled us to do so much that were previously considered impossible. From voice assistance to machines that can make decisions on their own, we’ve come a very long way. In the same manner, the innovations in biological sciences has boosted significantly. With..

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Controversy Surrounding the Collection of Fetal Bovine Serum

Bovine is an animal that is related to the cattle group including cows, heifer, bull, bullock, calf, ox, or bison.  Fetal bovine serum, also known as fetal calf serum, is harvested from a bovine fetus taken from a pregnant cow during slaughter by means of a cardiac puncture without any form of anesthesia.  Fetal bovine..

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