Tag: handicap construction

Using Smart Technology in Age in Place Renovations

You do not need to be old or in poor health before you begin doing a little age in place remodeling, and in fact, you are quite intelligent if you choose to do it prior to the time you will need it.  While you have plenty of options available to you for age in place..

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The Ultimate Guide to Age in Place Renovations

Moving into an assisted living facility may sound like a good idea at some point in your life, but you may prefer to spend as many of your golden years in the same home where you raised your family.  There is nothing wrong with doing this, especially if you have taken the necessary steps to..

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5 Age in Place Renovations Improve Your Homes Accessibility

When we are young and are looking for that first home we rarely even stop and wonder if this house would be a good place to live when we get older. This is due in large part because it will rarely be your first and only home in your lifetime. However, there will come a..

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Changes To Keep In Mind For Age In Place Remodels

I have met with a significant number of homeowners that are concerned about making their homes accessible for their ever-changing needs as they age.  As a specialist in age in place remodeling it has become my mission to create spaces, when remodeling, that ensure clients changing needs will be met through the renovation process.  Aging..

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Modern Bathroom Updates For Seniors

The idea behind age in place remodeling is to help baby boomers who want to retire in their own home as, to do so safely, independently, and comfortably regardless of their income or ability level. Besides living on your own home is a lot cheaper.  Seniors seem to be happy and enjoy some perks of..

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