Tag: loans

Ways To Go About Lowering Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

Homeowners are always optimistic when they buy a new home. They find and fall in love with a home that may be slightly out of their reach.  They are convinced that with some decent budgeting, trimming of the fat and future increases in pay the monthly payment will be affordable.  What happens next is life. ..

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Choosing A Mortgage Broker To Help You Through The Mortgage Process

An age old question that comes with buying a new home or refinancing comes with finding a mortgage broker that will find you the best rate possible.  What do you need to look for in a mortgage broker?  Is it possible to find a better rate on your own working with a credit union or..

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Applying For A Mortgage As A Recent College Graduate

Being a recent college graduate can be fairly overwhelming.  It is a time where you are paving a new path for yourself; including starting a new career path, buying your first home and taking on the payments of your more real than ever debt.  You are faced with many big decisions, some more daunting than..

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The Difference Between Fixed Rate and Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Most individuals looking to purchase a home start preparing well before they ever meet with a real estate agent.  Buying a home is not something most people can do on a whim.  It takes time to achieve the financial preparations that come along with buying and maintaining a new home.  Most individuals begin the process..

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The Cliff Note Version Of Obtaining A Mortgage Loan

The real estate market is currently in full bloom.  Mortgage rates had been at an all time low however recently have started to come back up.  This makes people want to buy a home sooner than later.  Everyone is looking to pay the lowest interest rate possible on a new mortgage.  With mortgage rates slowly rising many..

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