Tag: Medicare

Getting to Know Your Way Around Medicare – Part 2

In our first installment we answered some basic questions to give enrollees some basic knowledge on how things worked and what they should know about Medicare even before talking with a Medicare Agent.  In this installment we will continue covering the basics to further help bring a better understanding to the topic of Medicare, Medicare..

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Getting to Know Your Way Around Medicare – Part 1

It is so important that Medicare enrollees are educated before it comes time for them to enroll.  Although there are several companies where you can speak one on one to Medicare agents it is important for participants to have some basic knowledge to avoid confusion when talking to a specialist.  It is important to have..

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Medigap vs Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans

What’s the difference between Medigap and Medicare Supplemental Insurance? Is Medigap Plan F the same as Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan F? What does each of these plans offer me in terms of coverage? These are just a few of the many questions that enrollees ask when first becoming eligible for Medicare.  Thankfully, we have all..

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Key Considerations Now That Medicare Open Enrollment Has Begun

Medicare open enrollment runs from October 15, 2018 to December 7, 2018.  Open enrollment is the period in which current Medicare enrollees can adjust their current coverage.  Participants can move from Original Medicare to Medicare Advantage or vice versa, change Medigap plan coverage, and more. Many people believe the best thing about turning 65 is..

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2019 Changes in Medicare

Medicare has under gone a number of changes since it originated in 1965.  With over 60 million participants Medicare continues to have the highest satisfaction rate of any form of health insurance available.  With every year that passes, Medicare and Medigap keeps getting better and 2019 is no different.  Some of the modification that Medicare..

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