Tag: metal roofing contractor

How Gutters Improve the Life Of Your Roof?

The average costs of installing a new roof made of low-quality shingles can be somewhere near eight to one hundred dollars per square foot.  Considering the expense it is understandable why homeowners delay installing a new roof.  One way homeowners can maximize the lifespan of their current roofs and avoid having to replace their current..

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Know What to Expect When Hiring A Contractor Specializing In Metal Roofing

A new roof is a major investment that you will likely live with for a long time.  It is imperative you make a careful choice when it comes to hiring a roofing contractor is highly essential.  This holds true for all types of roofing contractors; however, it is more important with metal roofing contractors since..

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Simple Spring Maintenance For Your Roof

Excitement fills the air as we celebrate the first days of spring.  For most people spring is a lot like New Years; a time to start fresh again.  We say goodbye to the snow, ice and cold and welcome back to the sunshine, colorful landscape and warmth.  Spring is the season of freshness. Trees are..

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Spring Updates For The Exterior Of Your Home

Tune ups and yearly health examinations shouldn’t be left to cars and humans.  After several long winter months our homes are in need of maintenance.  Spring is the perfect time to perform a checklist around your home as the weather is warming, life is emerging and a once over to ensure your home is in..

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The Pros and Cons of Metal Roofing

When it comes to any home improvement project around your home you must consider all of the pros and cons of the different options each variable offers.  This is especially true when you are looking into roofing materials.  When it comes to roofing and roofing contractors there are a variety of differences between materials that..

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