Tag: product labeling - page 5

Creating an Appealing Product Label

Making your product label appeal to buyers is the goal for all product manufacturers.  There are numerous ways that graphic designers work with custom label manufacturers to ensure that your product will stand out above the completion.  Below we will discuss different techniques that product label designers can use to enhance products to gain consumer..

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Standing Out From The Competition

Are you looking for ways to make your product stand out above the competition?  When shelves are lined with millions of products all claiming that they are better than the product sitting next to it what is it that helps you decide which one to choose?  A products label helps market your product at the..

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The Right Way To Do Product Labeling

One of the most commanding tools in marketing is the one that provides you an opportunity to increase sales, the product label.  If the label is unsuccessful then manufacturers have wasted a valuable marketing opportunity.  With the number of products lining the shelves throughout the marketplace there are only seconds for a product to catch..

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Creating Custom Packaging and Labeling For New Products

Are you getting ready to create a new package for your company’s product?  You may be questioning just how important the roll of packaging and labeling is in selling the product itself.   The truth is that label design and product packagings are vital elements in marketing and thus should carry some major weight in the..

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Shrink Sleeve Labeling Advantages

There are so many advantages that manufacturers have when looking at shrink sleeves for labeling.  Shrink sleeves are great for marketing purposes because they offer a three hundred and sixty degree surface for self promotion.  They are also popular due to the visual appeal they offer when shelved next to competing products.  Recent technology has..

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