Tag: Representing Men in Family Law

Co-Parenting Gives Children Stability After A Divorce

Co-parenting is important when it comes to giving your children the stability they thrive on while continuing to have close relationships with both parents and both sides of their families.  It is not easy but co-parenting with your ex gives your children a chance to grow up in an environment that promotes family unity.  Co-parenting..

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Reasons The Divorce Rate Keeps Rising

Worldwide the rate of divorce continues to rise.  Despite the fact that going through a divorce is viewed as the number one cause of stress.  Divorce causes stress for not only the two of you but for your children and extended families.  It is a difficult process to divide a lifetime of assets let alone..

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Mistakes Men Should Avoid After Divorce

Accepting life after your divorce is hard on everyone involved.  Even under the best of conditions men have a difficult time adjusting to single life after being married.  Make it easier on yourself, your ex and your children by avoiding these common mistakes that are most often made following a divorce. Dating Too Soon: To many men think..

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Shielding Children In Divorce

After your divorce there is nothing more precious than or as delicate as your children and their emotional state.  They need to be placed ahead of your own needs and protected from other outside emotional shock.  Before beginning to date again after your divorce in finalized you should carefully consider what is in your children’s..

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Choosing a Positive Divorce For Your Children’s’ Sake

One of the biggest concerns that most couples have when they are considering divorce is the impact it will have on their children.  How will the children react to living with one parent over the other?  Will they understand that your divorce will actually lead to a happier and healthier life for them?  Divorce brings..

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