Tag: Search Engine Placement - page 2

The Million Dollar Question: How Do I Get My Website on The First Page of Google?

Every business on the internet wants to know how they can get their website ranked well enough to show up on the first page of search engines, mainly Google.  It really is a million-dollar question and if the answer was as simple as the question then I would be out of a job however, it..

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Creating Website Content That Is Ready for Voice Search

One of the most important aspects of creating a new website is making sure that your target traffic can easily locate you.  The planning process involved requires business owners to consider what keywords and keyword phrases people will type into search engines in order to find them.  Content is then created around these searches to..

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How Combining Professional Website Design and SEO Can Boost Your Online Business

When an online business launches a new website, careful consideration goes into their online image including the websites design and usability. Websites should be designed in a manner that allows visitors easy access to answers they are seeking. However, all of that is wasted if customers never visit a business’s website in the first place…

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In-House or Outsourced IT Services: Which is Best for Your Business?

Businesses of all sizes struggle with their own set of challenges. Amongst the challenges for small and mid-sized businesses, is that business owners often insist on doing everything themselves.  The age-old adage, jack of all trades, master of none has not lost its meaning in 2018.  Far too many business owners try to handle managed..

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Professional Computer Consulting Saves Time and Money

Nowadays businesses cannot run without technology.  Business comes to a startling halt when software or program failures occur.  When technology goes awry it affects day to day business.  Most companies can’t afford the costs associated with downtime but also can’t absorb the expense of having an IT specialist on their payroll to fix issues with..

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