Tag: Servicing Elekta Linear Accelerators - page 3

Improving LINAC Service Response Time

Linear accelerators and complex support devices are at the heart of today’s radiation oncology.  As technology continues to advance and change the way in which LINAC systems treat cancerous tumors, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the way in which equipment maintenance, malfunction, and breakdowns are managed.  The strategies to manage quality, mitigate risk and..

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3 Tips For Installing or Replacing a Linear Accelerator

New linear accelerators can cost a medical facility between 1 and 5 million dollars.  The expense of owning a LINAC does not stop once it has ben purchased.  There are items outside of the actual equipment purchase such as a simulator, training computers, treatment rooms, salaries, ongoing training, operation expenses, maintenance, repairs, and more.  The..

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Removing a Linear Accelerator

Many times, when a facility gets a new or refurbished linear accelerator, they are replacing an older piece of equipment that needs to be removed.  If you have ever worked with a LINAC you can only imagine how difficult the removal process can be.  Not only is it a large piece of machinery you are..

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Maintaining Large Scaled Medical Equipment While Cutting Costs

The pressure is high for the leaders of medical facilities to keep up on the changing technology of medical equipment, improve the quality of patient care, and reduce costs of medical equipment maintenance and care. Creating a cost saving strategy in medical equipment maintenance allows facility leaders to stay ahead of their competition without budget..

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Exploring Radiation Therapy Treatments Part 1

Medical facilities have a lot to consider when purchasing new or refurbished medical equipment.  It is imperative to offer clients the highest patient care possible while also meeting the goals of the facility.  As patients we often don’t consider the rigorous behind the scenes work it takes to bring us the latest and greatest treatments. ..

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