Tag: Shrink Sleeve Design - page 4

Tips on Hiring a Custom Label & Packaging Company

Your product may be exquisite but if your package and labeling isn’t that appealing or of high quality, then it might affect the sales of your product. People are attracted to an informative label that is presented in an eye catching manner.  We often hear from people that they choose one product over another based..

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Popular Options in Label and Packaging

At first glance, designing a label for your products package can seem like quiet a daunting task. However, there is no reason to be intimidated. Most labels are based on a unique template. Understanding the role color, font, images, and text content plays in designing effective labels is the best way to produce top quality..

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Shrink Sleeve Labels Benefit Product Marketing

Every option in product labeling comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.  Shrink sleeve package labeling has been around for quite some time.  Shrink sleeve labels represent about fifteen percent of the labeling market.  From superior security to economic savings shrink sleeves offer a large variety of benefits to product manufacturers.  This article will explore..

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