Tag: shrink sleeve labeling - page 8

Persuade Consumers Using Shrink Sleeve Labeling

In order for your product to succeed in the market today it is crucial to have a product label that ensures it stands out amongst the competition.  The label on your product, when designed properly, will influence consumers buying decision.  Labeling is a crucial part of any marketing mix.  It is necessary that the right..

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Use Shrink Sleeve Labeling To Attract Customers

Shrink sleeve labeling is a marketing tactic that many product manufactures have already turned to.  When walking into any grocery store you will see how prominent shrink sleeve labeling is with a number of different products. Take note the next time you go into a store; check out the variety of products that use shrink..

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Designing A Label To Speak For Your Product

Every business is unique.  Each product under their brand is distinctive and is meant to draw people to make a purchase.  How does a brand, established or not, get you to purchase their products?  If you have never tasted or sampled the product how are you as a consumer supposed to know if the product..

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Marketing Benefits of Shrink Sleeve Labeling

Effective marketing is what sells your product.  From small business to large corporations, millions of dollars is spent on marketing your company’s product to consumers.  One of the most successful ways a company can do this is through their company’s label.  Attaching pieces of your marketing plan directly to your product using shrink sleeve labels..

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Make A Fabulous First Impression With Your Products Label

The first contact your customer has with your brand is the product label.  Their very first impression of your brand and product will come from what is designed and written on the label.  Your label is the face of your product and triggers loyalty to your brand.  When faced with the myriad of competitors your..

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