Tag: shrink sleeves - page 10

5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Professional Custom Label

In today’s world, starting a small business and becoming an entrepreneur is not only about inventing products and getting them to the market it also includes the finer details such as elegant and exquisite labeling. In fact, getting customized labeling for your products helps to market them and by using articulate designs, they appear a..

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Flexible Packaging Is Changing The Package & Label Industry

Flexible packaging is known to be one of the fastest growing sections of the packaging industry. The process of flexible packaging combines the qualities of plastic, paper, aluminum, and film. Moreover, it uses the minimum amount of each material. Bags made with flexible packaging can take the shape of a pouch, liner or overwrap. However,..

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Designing Product Labels When Space Is Limited

In label design space is limited.  It is important that designers deliver their message in a clear and concise manner within the limited space available on the label.  This needs to occur while making sure that key elements are not left out.  When designing a label, the graphic designer must work in conjunction with the..

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Advantages Found With Shrink Sleeve Labeling

There is nothing more important to a products success then providing consumers with a quality and proper marketing.  It’s reasonable, in fact, to suggest that a quality product is even less important than superior marketing.  Without effective marketing consumers are less likely to purchase a product in the first place; the quality of the product..

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Key Elements in Food Label Design

When manufactures create a new food product you can bet that they have poured a lot of time and money along with a great deal of enthusiasm into it.  With this in mind you can see why marketers place such emphasis on designing a label that communicates this effort to the consumer.  It is important..

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