Author: doingbus - page 443

Considerations To Make When You Choose Renovating Over Moving

Many homeowners consider moving for one reason or another but the lack of money or motivation to pack everything up stops them.  Logically the next thought is to renovate their current home with a home addition.  That’s a whole lot easier than moving, right? The truth is that there are pros and cons to both..

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The Best Bankruptcy Option For Your Situation

Have you ever been overwhelmed by debt? Have you ever considered if bankruptcy was the next step in your financial recovery? There are numerous advantages and disadvantages that come with filing for bankruptcy. We will look into common myths that surround bankruptcy and when it may be the best option for you. Bankruptcy is an..

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Knowing When It Is Time Seek A Bankruptcy Attorney

When it comes to filing for bankruptcy different thresholds exist for when it is time to call it quits and throw in the towel.  For many clients filing for bankruptcy comes after months of calls from creditors threatening to garnish wages or threatening to take you to court for not paying your debts.   The media..

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The Art Of Collecting

What is it that makes a collectable valuable?  This question is something that collectors of all ages will debate heavily into the foreseeable future.  Take my son for example.  In his short life of only thirteen years he has had several different collections that have been near and dear to him.  At two he collected..

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Satisfying Nostalgic Needs Through Collecting

Collectors are often searching for a way to satisfy a nostalgic craving.  Collections range from antique canes to baseball cards.  The difference in items that collectors seek out is all part of the adventure.  For some collecting is about investing their money in something that will bring in a return while for others it is..

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