Category: - page 33

Repairing your computer vs. replacing

One glance around in today’s culture and you can tell computers are a major part of daily living and functioning. We use computers for everything and we even carry tiny computers in our pockets which we refer to as smart phones.  So, when your computer goes down and needs to be fixed it’s a major..

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Debunking The Myths Surrounding Technology and Computer Networking

The myths surrounding technology and computer system repairs are plentiful.  In this article we will look to debunk common myths surrounding computer repair, networking and I.T. consultants. The myth that only a true computer geek can eliminate issues with your computer or network is one that is completely false.  Computers and the systems that surround..

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The Difference Between Paid and Organic Online Marketing

Online marketing remains one of life’s little mysteries for business owners looking to expand upon their online presence.  Confusion basically stems from two general differences: paid advertising and organic search rankings. Let’s start out by talking about paid advertising.  Paid search engine marketing refers to advertising in which a business pays for ad placement based upon a..

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Understanding What Information Technology Consultants Offers To Your Company

Not many people completely understand what services IT consultants provide to their clients.  Information technology consultants, also known as computer consultancy services, advise organizations on how best to utilize technology in order to achieve success within their business.  IT consultants will create a plan to direct, employ, set up and oversee information technology based on..

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