Which of the five senses do you consider to me the most important?

Which do you think you could live without?  Thinking about this brings me to a reality that life would not be the same if I could not see.  I can’t imagine living in a world in which I could visually not be a part of.  I think that out of the five senses sight is the one that is unimaginable to be without.  Taste, touch, sound and smell would all be incredibly hard to live without but not impossible.  For me everything I do is about my eyesight from work to play my eyes and sight is a huge part of me.  This is why when I started to have issues with my vision I knew I must get into an eye doctor immediately.

The blurry vision that I experienced was inconvenient.  It made my eyes strain at work, watching the kids in their sports and even driving.  It was awful and I had a constant headache. It was confirmed with the eye doctor that my vision issues was easily corrected with one of three vision correction methods: glasses, contacts or LASIK.  All three sounded scary and inconvenient to me at first.  I had never been dependent on any for clear vision so this was a new arena for me.  Plus I was caught off guard as my vision had been perfect for my entire life up to this point.

I hated the idea of wearing glasses.  Having something on my face all day was not something I was looking forward to.  I truly like to get into everything I do and to have to be concerned with the responsibility that comes along with keeping glasses in tip top shape did not appeal to me.

Contact lenses also did not appeal to me as I am not a fan of sticking my finger into my eye.  I also didn’t like the idea that at the end of every night and the beginning of every morning for the rest of my life I would need to put in and take out lenses.  I also didn’t like the idea of being without proper vision at night after the lenses were out.  With those two options less than ideal I started to see that LASIK was going to be the best option for me to be able to keep the lifestyle I was used to while being able to see like I did before.

Before I was to undergo such a delicate surgery I wanted to make sure that I had an eye surgeon who was the best of the best.  After much research and several consultations with several different eye doctors I knew I had found the eye doctor that would perform my surgery. I knew because not only did he examine my eyes, health history and everything else there was to know about me he cut straight to the chase with the risks during and after surgery. He was the only doctor I had seen that talked as intensely about the surgery itself as he did the post-surgical care that would be needed.  Never once did he sugar coat the disadvantages and did not ever over exaggerate the benefits.

LASIK changes not only your vision but your life as well.  Vision correctio